Hot On Top #RediscoverJozi Exclusive: Chris De Vos


Hot On Top is excited to welcome Chris De Vos to the lineup for the first #RediscoverJozi event. Chris is a friend of ours and the creator of the much loved Sexy Groovy Love festival. We first met Chris on a festival dancefloor over 5 years ago. Today, we are both bringing out our favorite internationals to play at South African events and festivals, so we sat down for a catch up.

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Hot On Top #RediscoverJozi Exclusive: Headphase


Headphase has become a familiar face and integral part of the Hot On Top crew, showing a versatility of sounds to suit the backdrop of each event he plays. The Hot On Top resident and Joburg favourite is a regular fixture on the SA club and festival circuit, with some memorable performances at Rocking The Daisies, Earthdance, Synergy Live, Era, Toy Toy + many more.

For our next interview and exclusive mix in the #RediscoverJozi series, Hot On Top sat down with Headphase to find out more about his music and what he loves about Jozi.

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